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Our Staff

Our highly qualified and experienced practitioners at Little People's Montessori are all dedicated to the children in their care.  They strive to provide only the best care and guidance to each and every child.  They are all passionate about Montessori and believe fully in the philosophy.
Charlotte Austen
Head Directress

Charlotte's experience of Montessori philosophy started when she was just two years old and attended a Montessori nursery.  She had always intended on opening her own Montessori nursery and so upon leaving sixth form at 18, Charlotte enrolled at Montessori Centre International.  She qualified as a Montessori directress in 2006 aged 19 and since then has worked in three very different Montessori nurseries.

Whilst working Charlotte enrolled in an Early Childhood course at London Metropolitan University and soon gained Early Years Professional (EYP) status.

Charlotte is committed to extending her own knowledge and skillset to ensure the children in her care are given the very best start to their education, and is currently in training to become an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA). 

Dekyi Sherpa
Deputy Directress

Dekyi has been a directress at LPM for 10 years now.  She has recently become deputy directress.  Dekyi has a beautiful, calm nature and the children just love to be around her.  Dekyi has the utmost respect for the children in her care and devotes herself to their wellbeing, making sure they are happy and content in their environment.  Dekyi is also the deputy SENCO and has recently undertaken 'Talk Boost' training to support those little people who need a bit of extra support with their speech and language.

Lea Sergeant

Lea has been a directress at LPM for 7 years now.  Lea believed in the Montessori philosophy and was originally a parent of LPM, having sent her son.  Through observing the imact on her child, she decided to train as a Montessori assistant, before completing her diploma.  Lea is also our deputy Safeguarding officer.


Elisa Elcomb


Elisa has returned to Montessori after a hiatus, where she worked in the NHS.  She found her way back this year and has loved building relationships with the children and being in a Montessori environment again.  Elisa has a keen interest in special educational needs and is our SENCO lead.

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